The community engineering groups and their code, feature and devdocs contributions have already a fabled reputation within the Magento ecosystem. Daniel and a number of Magento team members including Danielle Mundle and Peter Mintchev met during Imagine to spearhead a new Magento UX community movement within the ecosystem. If you are a UX or Design professional in your Magento digital agency and want to get involved in pushing the UX boundaries of B2C and B2C Ecommerce experience you can get in touch with Daniel; [email protected]

For anyone interested in the conference here are a few takeaways from Imagine:

  • Pagebuilder for content, One click payments, lightning fast PWA frontend will help drive merchants conversion rates
  • Multi-stock inventory will enable a new in-store click and collect and ship from store experience
  • B2B is at the forefront of a new wave of digital commerce and Magento adoption
  • Voice driven commerce will drive the next wave of innovation
  • Get ready for Progressive Web Apps. The ‘app in browser’ experience will provide a new, accessible level of utility to digital commerce companies.
  • Magento is continually developing an integrated ecosystem of applications aimed at driving digital commerce into the next stage of evolution
  • Improving Customer Experience is the top priority for B2B merchants investing in developing their digital channels
  • Magento is building on solid cornerstone values positioning the technology as a stepping stone for transformation and building real life value for businesses and customers

It has been a fantastic start to the year with the team, and it’s great to take time to enjoy moments like this, however, with a lot of things planned for the coming months it’s time to get back to work. Stay tuned for announcements around our events, podcast series and videos coming soon.